MPK系列涡旋强力反击式破碎机是我们公司研制开发的高效反击式破碎机, 该产品适用于抗压强度不超过250MPa的各种物料的粗、中、细碎作业,具有结 构独特、操作方式简单、高效节能、产品形状呈立方体、排料粒度小可调、可选 择破碎、简化破碎流程、节约成本等特点。该机广泛应用于水电、高速公路人工 砂石料的破碎作业。
MPK series of impact crusher is a high-efficiency crusher. The machine is suitable for crushing of all materials with compressive resistance smaller than 250Mpa, coarse, medium and fine.The machine has a special structure to ensure easy operation and maintenance. The output particles always have a very good cubic shape, which is preferred in building highway or skyscrapers.